Trademark Renewal

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Trademark Renewal

A registered trademark has a validity of 10 years after which it should be renewed. Normally, the Registrar from the Trademarks department sends a notice regarding the expiry to the registered address of the business before 6 months of expiration. If there are no procedures of renewal from the receiver side, the Registrar then issues a statement which mentions that the particular trademark will be removed from the Trade Marks Journal. Since the removal is usually a prolonged process that takes around 6 – 12 months, the trademark can still be renewed during that time period by paying a penalty amount to the department.

Why trademark renewal?

  • Continuation of legal protection
  • Unique identity is protected
  • Maintenance of trust, goodwill and quality

Advantages of Trademark Renewal

Legal Protection

With trademark renewal after every 10 years, your company gets to maintain its brand name without being infringed by anyone else. Unless it is being registered or renewed, you won’t have the provision to establish your right over the trademark in the court.

Business Opportunity

The renewal lets you promote your brand without interruption making it familiar for the customers.

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